Talk to Your People



So the task of the week is to make sure your messaging (and maybe even services) is in alignment with your people.

Sometimes they’re called a “target audience” or an “ideal consumer,” but I just like people. How connected are you feeling to them this week? Month? Year? Gosh, what a year…What has changed for them this year?!

“Your people,” to use another cliche, are your tribe. They’re the people you show up for, the people you are brave for, the people you serve. You ought to know how they’re doing.

So here we go…

#1. Talk to your people.

The number one way to connect with your people is to talk to them. Yep. And, though we are working on connecting more authentically through social channels, I do literally mean talk to them.

So get to it. Invite someone to your version of “coffee.”

Don’t see the point? Wondering how this will move your marketing efforts forward? Though you don’t have to keep reading, here are some tips and considerations to support you in this task.

First, it makes us teachable. So often we get in a groove - we figure a few things out, the creative juices start flowing - then we sprint off down whatever path we’re on. The problem is you are not “your people.” If you were, you likely wouldn’t be in a place to offer them anything. And just because you once knew what it was like to be them - you don’t really still know. Not exactly. So jumping back in the trenches, so to speak, is a helpful exercise.

Also, it gives us direction. When we don’t stay connected to our people, many, many times, we end up leaving “our people” behind. Without our people in step with us, messaging falls flat and business starts to lag. After a while, things start to feel hard and lonely and frustrating. But had we stopped at a mile-marker here and there, gotten a drink of water, looked around, and asked a few questions, it’s likely we would have much less far off course.

This is a fun exercise, and I promise you will benefit. It will move you forward. Go get coffee. Talk a lot. Learn new things you thought you already knew. Go!

I’d love to hear how this went for you - or of course, if you still have questions or concerns, hop on Facebook and ask away.


Plan the Holidays